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A few common sense of graphic design that must be understood

Time:2021-04-17 Views:4127
A few common sense of graphic design that must be understood

1. The difference between the source files psd, ai and cdr  The psd file is created with photoshop, of course, it must also be opened with photoshop; the ai file is from Illustrator. They are all Adobe companies. The ai file can also be opened with photoshop, but it will be loaded in the same layer after opening.

2. About CMYK and RGB color modes   CMYK is Cyan (cyan), Mageata (magenta), Yellow (yellow), Black (black), which is a more common color mode used in printing. R, G, and B are the three colors of Red, Green, and Blue (red, green, and blue). The RGB mode is a color combination mode that uses these three colors as the primary colors to superimpose and simulate the colors of nature. The colors of our daily use of color computer monitors, color televisions, etc. all use this mode. 

3. Vector graphics The biggest difference between vector graphics and bitmaps is that it is not affected by resolution. Therefore, during printing, graphics can be enlarged or reduced at will without affecting the clarity of the drawing.  Vector graphics: graphics are drawn according to geometric characteristics. The vector can be a point or a line. The vector graphics can only be generated by software, and the file is occupied. The inner space is small, because this type of image file contains independent separated images, which can be recombined freely and without restriction. Its characteristic is that the image will not be distorted after enlargement, has nothing to do with the resolution, the file takes up less space, and is suitable for graphic design, text design and some logo design, layout design, etc. ai cdr is a vector diagram. 

4. The difference between picture files jpg, gif, png, and bmp.  bmp: It is an uncompressed real-color picture represented by a dot matrix, which takes up a lot of disk space.  gif: It is compressed and can only display 256 colors. The disk space is small, and it is often used to demonstrate a single-color block of cartoon patterns. GIF also has a continuous animation.  png: it is a picture format of fireworks.  jpg: it is also a lossy compression format, but the colors it represents are richer. Generally used To display real-color photos or patterns 

5. The size of business cards  The standard size of business cards: 90mmX54mm. But with the addition of 2mm each of the top, bottom, left and right of the bleeding, the size must be set to: 94 x 58mm. 

6. Issues concerning the provision of source files  As a designer and client (herein refers to each webmaster), if there is no clear agreement in advance,  The designer has the right not to provide the source file.
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