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How to Confirm the Printing File Before Printing the Mass Product

Time:2021-10-07 Views:6112
How to Confirm the Printing File Before Printing the Mass Product

Some companies would choose to print books, catalogs, brochures, etc in other countries.

But how do you confirm before printing the mass product?

Here are some suggestions

confirm the printing file

Asking the printing company to do a sample before printing the mass product.
Before printing the mass product, many customers would like to see what the products will be. Asking a sample is a good choice. It will show you how it looks like. Maybe some designs look good on screen, but not good after printing.

However, some books or  catalogs  have special back processes, such as UV, gold foil stamping, debossing, etc. These kinds of special back process can also be done on the sample, but it will be expensive. Because the printing company needs to do plate for these special back process. If you do need to see, I’m afraid you have to add some sample fee.

Asking hard proof.
Hard proof is a kind of proof which is printed by the hard proof printer. Some high-end printing company have this kind of printing machine and they have one kind of color system can make sure the color will be almost the same with the mass product.

Although the paper won’t be the same, the color is almost the final color you will see.

When you only need to see several pages or all the pages, you can ask a hard proof.

Asking PDF proof.
A PDF proof is checking on the computer. The printing company will do a PDF proof before printing the mass product. You can see the page order, the bleed lines, etc. It’s the easiest way to check the artwork. And most of the time, it’s free.

Above are the 3 ways I suggest. I hope that will help.
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