Do you know some common problems about the printing quality of books?
Nowadays, we have more and more ways to buy books. The convenience of the network, so that more people tend to choose online shopping books. Problems such as cracking of book case, folding deformation of book back, opening glue, missing or misprinting of inner pages, unclear text content, etc., often appear. We can find at least hundreds of bad reviews out of tens of thousands of reviews for buying books: "What‘s wrong with the page numbers, there are repeated contents", "although there is an outer layer of packaging film, but when you open it, you will find that the shell of the book is full of the kind of scratches, which is obviously for you to re-wrap the film", "this is a terrible time to buy a book, there are white pages inside!" ...
In this regard, we carried out centralized quality inspection of books. In the process, we found that the printing quality problems of the 4,695 volumes of books under inspection were prominent. After comprehensive judgment, there were 17 volumes of unqualified books. In addition, the paper quality of one book is defective, and there is a double image problem in one book. The book defect analysis is shown in the figure below. There are still some books in the random check, although they are judged to be qualified, but there are still some quality defects.
Nowadays, we have more and more ways to buy books. The convenience of the network, so that more people tend to choose online shopping books. Problems such as cracking of book case, folding deformation of book back, opening glue, missing or misprinting of inner pages, unclear text content, etc., often appear. We can find at least hundreds of bad reviews out of tens of thousands of reviews for buying books: "What‘s wrong with the page numbers, there are repeated contents", "although there is an outer layer of packaging film, but when you open it, you will find that the shell of the book is full of the kind of scratches, which is obviously for you to re-wrap the film", "this is a terrible time to buy a book, there are white pages inside!" ...
In this regard, we carried out centralized quality inspection of books. In the process, we found that the printing quality problems of the 4,695 volumes of books under inspection were prominent. After comprehensive judgment, there were 17 volumes of unqualified books. In addition, the paper quality of one book is defective, and there is a double image problem in one book. The book defect analysis is shown in the figure below. There are still some books in the random check, although they are judged to be qualified, but there are still some quality defects. Through in-depth analysis of the field survey results of different printing enterprises, we summarize the main reasons for the printing quality problems in books as follows:
First, the current printing enterprise machine staff mobility is larger. In printing enterprises, the salary of post-press process staff is usually lower than that of printing process staff, and manual die-cutting machine and other post-press models have high labor intensity, high risk and other reasons, leading to more serious staff turnover. As the new workers are not skilled, it will not only seriously affect the production efficiency, but also more likely to produce quality problems.
Second, the printing and processing equipment of many printing enterprises is still relatively backward, and some equipment is relatively aging. In recent years, with the rising price of paper and other printing raw and auxiliary materials and the increasing cost of labor, many book printing enterprises are more and more difficult to operate. Compared with cigarette label printing enterprises and packaging and decoration printing enterprises, book and magazine printing enterprises have entered the era of low profit in advance, and many small and medium-sized printing enterprises cannot afford to replace new equipment.
Third, some enterprises choose inferior materials. Inferior raw and auxiliary materials will directly lead to the decline of book printing quality, even unqualified. Such as the use of inferior hot melt adhesive will directly lead to the book open glue loose pages. The reason for this problem in most enterprises is that the inspection of incoming materials is not strict.
Four is the book printing enterprise off-peak season is obvious. Generally speaking, the winter and summer holidays are the peak season for book printing enterprises. All kinds of teaching and auxiliary books are printed and produced intensively, resulting in workers and machines running at full load or even overload. As raw materials such as paper and semi-finished products and finished products of books occupy a lot of production space, 5S field management cannot be effectively realized, which is prone to produce more quality risks.